
“Great marketing and copywriting simply articulates the move from the “BEFORE” state to the desired “AFTER” state. In the BEFORE state, the customer is discontent in some way. They might be in pain, bored, frightened, frustrated, or unhappy for any number of reasons. In the AFTER state – life is better. They are pain free, entertained or unafraid of what previously plagued them…”

HOW DO I MAKE MY WEB COPY CUSTOMER CENTRIC? I’m going to answer that question with a question – actually eight questions:

1. How does my customer FEEL BEFORE they have my product or service?
2. How does my customer FEEL AFTER they have my product or service?

3. What does my customer HAVE BEFORE they get my product or service?
4. What does my customer HAVE BEFORE they get my product or service?

5. What does my customer’s AVERAGE DAY LOOK LIKE BEFORE they have my product or service?
6. What does my customer’s AVERAGE DAY LOOK LIKE AFTER they have my product or service?

7. What is my customer’s STATUS BEFORE they have my product or service?
8. What is my customer’s STATUS AFTER they have my product or service?

Answer those 8 questions. Here’s an example:

Average marketers and business owners only articulate what a customer will HAVE if they purchase their product or service. Great marketers and business owners speak to how a customer will FEEL, how their AVERAGE DAY will change, and how their STATUS will elevate.

After all…

People don’t buy products or services… They buy outcomes. They buy access to their AFTER state.

Still wondering how this has anything to do with your love life? Here it is…

I learn through mistakes – If you’re reading this and you’re male – think about applying this to your relationships… identify with the pain first. Empathize with the hurt, with how she is FEELING before you move on to solving the problem – whether you’re right or wrong isn’t the issue, it’s just the fact that you’re not listening and therefore aren’t addressing the frustration, anger or sadness… Address that, and really try and empathize with how she’s feeling first, and a women that feels heard is apt to drop her weapons – just a thought…

Moving on…

After answering those 8 questions and filling out that simple “Before/After” grid, and any half decent copywriter or business owner will be able to craft a marketing message that will have an impact.

The marketing copy writes itself now that you are clear on the “Before” and “After”…

Here’s some examples:

1.) CUSTOMER: Excavator Attachment Manufacturer (This is our real customer)

Homepage Web Copy “Before”: We here at [Company Name] know that your excavators are only as good as the attachments you have on them, which is why we engineer and manufacture high quality excavator attachments designed to increase efficiency and productivity to help maximize your profits. We offer a variety of compaction attachments including vibratory and roller compaction buckets, roller wheel compactors, and vibratory plate compactors. We also offer bedding and custom backfill conveyors, bedding products, as well as custom specialty buckets. In addition to attachments, we also have extensive welding and fabrication capabilities. There are constantly new and exciting projects taking place in our shop.

Homepage Web Copy “After”: You’ll feel like contractor of the year as your operators increase job site productivity by a minimum of 20%. By using [Company Name] ‘s 2-in-1 integrated compaction/digging buckets, you will save both time and money by being able to dig, place, and compact with a single attachment. Say goodbye to the monotony, and frustration of switching back and forth from a digging bucket to a separate roller wheel all day long, and do both jobs in a single action, in less time. Does increasing efficiency and productivity by 20% sound appealing? Check out our 2-in-1 timesaving attachments here.

Do you see how this copy clearly articulates how the product will move the contractor from a “Before” state of monotony, frustration to an “After” state of time & cost savings?



Travis, Founder and Owner of Objective UI, is a highly qualified digital marketing professional with 10 years experience in building successful businesses through strategic Digital marketing practices.